Harry and Meghan share recent upliftment projects as they launch brand new website

Harry and Meghan share recent upliftment projects as they launch brand new website
Harry and Meghan share recent upliftment projects as they launch brand new website

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Harry and Meghan launched a new website on Monday, Sussex.com, which contains bios of the couple and news updates.

The website also has links to their other websites for Archewell Productions and Archewell Foundation.

One of the latest updates on the website is a story about Prince Harry presenting the Walter Payton Man of the Year award to Cameron Heyward. An image for the story also features Keegan-Michael Key.

“Prince Harry has long advocated for the power of sport for healing and building community. He was honoured to present this award and highlight the importance of giving back,” the website states.

The couple’s other website, Sussexroyal.com, was established in 2020.

When users visit the old website, a message pops up redirecting them to the new one: “This site was established in 2020 and sets out the work streams of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex prior to their move to the United States. To learn more about the royal couple and their philanthropic endeavours, click here.”

On the Archewell Foundation website, a story was also uploaded about Meghan visiting a project on Saturday, which she and Prince Harry started in 2023.

The project tries to create “a safe haven and inclusive environment for women who have recently resettled in the US from Afghanistan”, according to the Archewell website.

“The Duchess joined the Southern California Welcome Project for an evening of cooking and storytelling,” according to the website.

The project is part of the Archewell Foundation, and there are 11 other Welcome Projects across the US.

Photos of the Duchess of Sussex working in a kitchen with other women were also posted on the website.

Meghan’s work with the Hubb Community Kitchen in the UK pushed her to launch the Welcome Projects, which is meant to support women-led programming.

“In collaboration with The Archewell Foundation’s partner, Mina’s List, a group of 15 women gathered to cook traditional Afghan food including Ashak and Mantu,” the website states.

“Following meal preparations, the women sat down to discuss their personal stories and the support they find from this intergenerational group of women.”

Mina’s List is a project started in 2014, which works with “women activists and political leaders in Afghanistan to push for greater gender equality”.

The project helped evacuate and resettle more than 2000 Afghan women and families in 2021.

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