Khupe Is Political Poison, Says CCC Official

Khupe Is Political Poison, Says CCC Official
Khupe Is Political Poison, Says CCC Official

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Bulawayo provincial leadership has refused to work with former MDC-T vice president Thokozani Khupe and likened her to Morrison Nyathi, a former ZANLA commander who became a traitor during the liberation struggle.

Nyathi (also known as Maurice Nyathi and Livison Mutasa) was a ZANLA double agent who led Rhodesian Selous Scouts to attack a ZANLA camp at Nyadzonia in Mozambique, killing hundreds of Zimbabwean refugees.

This comes after Khupe on Monday announced that she will support CCC candidates in the weekend by-elections.

However, CCC Bulawayo spokesperson Swithern Chirowodza said party structures did not trust Khupe due to her association with President Emmerson Mnangagwa when she was MDC-T interim leader. Said Chirowodza:

If ZANLA freedom fighters did not accommodate Morrison Nyathi who was accused of selling out the liberation struggle, why should CCC entertain Khupe?

There is no need for a diplomatic talk with an enemy. We will call a spade a spade.

Zulu king Tshaka, a victorious military general, taught his warriors never to forgive an injured enemy lest the enemy heals, gathers courage and jumps to slit your throat.

We are Bulawayo, the headquarters of Matabeleland. We will not accept to be led by a person who run Mnangagwa’s schemes.

The ink has not dried on the paper on which she wrote to two senators in the United States pleading with them to lift sanctions.

This is the same Mnangagwa who was the State Security minister during the Gukurahundi era.

This is the same Mnangagwa who was commander-in-chief of the army (Zimbabwe Defence Forces) that shot and killed six Zimbabweans on August 1, 2018.

We will not drink with Khupe. She is political poison.

Khupe was recently seen posing for pictures with CCC interim vice-president Welshman Ncube and member Abednico Bhebhe.

Her decision to rally behind Chamisa came a few months after she was fired from MDC-T by Douglas Mwonzora.

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