Man (86) Jailed For Raping Mentally-challenged Woman

Man (86) Jailed For Raping Mentally-challenged Woman
Man (86) Jailed For Raping Mentally-challenged Woman

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. An 86-year-old Rusape man was sentenced to six years in jail after he was caught red-handed as he was sexually abusing a mentally challenged woman aged 22.

The suspect, Katesi Mamvura of Nzvimbe Village, was convicted by Rusape regional magistrate, Francis Mapfumo, after pleading not guilty to the offence.

Mamvura denied the charges saying he was caught just before the act but was convicted after a full trial.

He will, however, serve an effective three year-jail term after three years were set aside on condition of good behaviour.

Prosecutor, Marlon Makamba, told the court that the senior citizen took advantage of the absence of the complainant’s mother to abuse her. He said:

The complainant is mentally challenged. On April 17, the complainant was left at home, together with her sister while their mother travelled to Harare for the Easter church service.

Mamvura went to the complainant’s homestead and found her alone. He escorted her to a nearby bush where he raped her. While Mamvura was busy abusing the complainant, her sister arrived at the scene.

Mamvura left in a huff and left the two sisters at the scene.

A police report was made, leading to Mamvura’s arrest.

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