Mthuli Ncube Elected To ZANU PF Central Committee

Mthuli Ncube Elected To ZANU PF Central Committee
Mthuli Ncube Elected To ZANU PF Central Committee

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Finance and Economic Development Minister Mthuli Ncube is among ZANU PF officials elected to the Central Committee during elections held countrywide last weekend.

The results of the elections were announced on Sunday afternoon by ZANU PF National Political Commissar Mike Bimha.

He said the current Central Committee members will attend the pending congress and dissolved while new members will be confirmed. Said Bimha:

The elections were conducted smoothly with no reports of violence. We had hitches here and there in terms of logistics, but those were attended to timeously.

The newly-elected members will become fully-fledged Central Committee members at the congress set for later this month.

Some ZANU PF bigwigs who retained their posts are Obert Mpofu, Mike Bimha, Christopher Mutsvangwa, Lovemore Matuke, Sydney Sekeramai, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Ednah Madzongwe, Mable Chinomona, Tsitsi Muzenda, Jorum Gumbo, Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube, Patrick Chinamasa among others.

Among the new entries, are Mthuli Ncube, former Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Lewis Matutu bounced back, Yeukai Simbanegavi, Munyaradzi Kashambe, Jenfan Muswere and Mike Chimombe.

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