Mwonzora Loyalists Cast Aside Masvingo Mayor

Mwonzora Loyalists Cast Aside Masvingo Mayor
Mwonzora Loyalists Cast Aside Masvingo Mayor

Africa-PressZimbabwe. The Douglas Mwonzora-led MDC-T sidelined Masvingo city mayor Collins Maboke for alleged disloyalty during a restructuring of the party’s structures in Masvingo Province recently.

Reports indicate that the majority of the 40 party members who attended the structuring exercise ahead of the MDC-T ordinary congress next year accused Maboke of double standards.

Maboke is regarded as having deep-rooted and strong ties with Zanu PF and they were fears that his relationship with the ruling party could compromise the party’s activities in Masvingo. quoted an unnamed MDC-T official as saying:

Members questioned Maboke’s character; they accused him of lacking leadership qualities and was bound to fail in advancing the party’s activities as many are not sure whether he is Zanu PF, MDC Alliance or MDC-T.

He is not punctual to party meetings, he is seen also attending Alliance activities and honestly, people really don’t know where he stands and it was decided not to include him in the structures.

However, Maboke said he only failed to take part in the restructuring exercise after attending the funeral of a relative in his rural home area.

Maboke was elected Masvingo mayor in defiance of MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa. It was claimed that ZANU PF councillors connived with a few MDC Alliance councillors to ensure his victory.


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