New ZANU PF Provincial Chairpersons Revealed

New ZANU PF Provincial Chairpersons Revealed
New ZANU PF Provincial Chairpersons Revealed

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. ZANU PF has announced the party’s ten new provincial chairpersons following internal elections held on Tuesday this week.

In Midlands, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged preferred candidate Larry Mavhima was elected unopposed.

The other nine provinces were heavily contested, with Kazembe Kazembe defeating his rival, businessman Tafadzwa Musarara while Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister Ezra Chadzamira lost to Robison Mavenyengwa.

In Mashonaland West Province, Mary Mliswa-Chikoka prevailed over her three rivals, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Deputy Minister Kindness Paradza, former provincial youth chairman Vengai Musengi and former ZBC CEO Happison Muchechetere.

Acting chairperson Abia Mujeri reportedly withdrew from the race after facing resource challenges.

Mliswa-Chikoka becomes become the first woman to lead the ruling party in a province.

Here are the new ZANU PF provincial chairpersons:

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