“President Emmerson Mnangagwa Abused Me” – Susan Mutami

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa Abused Me” – Susan Mutami
“President Emmerson Mnangagwa Abused Me” – Susan Mutami

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Susan Mutami, an Australian-based Zimbabwean healthcare professional, has claimed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa abused her but did not specify how she was abused.

She said the late Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister, the late Major General Retired Sibusiso Moyo, with whom she was in a relationship, offered to protect her from further abuse.

Mutami who is a former lover of Norton legislator, Temba Mliswa posted on Twitter claiming that even former President, the late Robert Mugabe knew about the issue. Pindula News presents Mutami’s messages:

When I met SB Moyo I had been abused by @edmnangagwa and SB Moyo said i will protect u from today onwards. President Mugabe knew about my issue and before he passed on he even wanted me to come out in the open bt SB Moyo advised me not to as it was not safe.

When we started dating SB Moyo explained to me that he was HIV positive and I loved him regardless of his status. In 2012 SB Moyo had an operation-TB of the spine and I stood by him through it all.

He was not happy in his marriage and couldn’t divorce @matandamoyo (ZACC Chair) because that wld have bn his 3rd marriage and the divorce wld be costly he said. I agreed w the arrangement and wld fly to Zim every 2-3 months to be w him. I even had trouble w border security because they were wondering why my boyfriend couldn’t visit me here in Australia bt zvimwe zvanga zvisingataurike.

She added that President Mugabe even offered her counselling at the time but she declined the offer as she could not trust anyone adding “but I’m ready to talk now.”

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