Prisoner Escapes From Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison

Prisoner Escapes From Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison
Prisoner Escapes From Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. A 24-year-old prisoner has escaped from Chikurubi Maximum Prison in Harare where he was serving a one-year term for a charge of malicious damage to property.

Danaishe Chinyama escaped from prison on Wednesday after he had served eight months in prison.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident. He said:

Police in Harare are appealing for information that may lead to the arrest of Danaishe Chinyama (24) for escaping from Chikurubi Maximum Prison on 07/12/22.

The suspect was serving 12 months imprisonment for malicious damage to property and had served eight months.

Anyone with information to report at any nearest police station.

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