Tendai Biti Speaks On Reinstatement To Parliament

Tendai Biti Speaks On Reinstatement To Parliament
Tendai Biti Speaks On Reinstatement To Parliament

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. The co-vice president of the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC), Tendai Biti has said he will be going back to Parliament not as a representative of the MDC Alliance but as a member of the CCC.

Justice Chitapi Tuesday ordered the reinstatement of Biti, the MP for Harare East; William Madzimure of Kambuzuma; Chikwinya of Mbizvo; Kucaca Ivumile Phulu of Nkulumane; Sichelesile Mahlangu of Pumula and Regai Tsunga of Mutasa South who had been expelled based on a 2020 Supreme Court ruling.

Speaking on the development, Biti said:

Good morning citizens. #ZANU & its puppets unlawfully booted us out of Parliament for exposing corruption We go back to Parliament as the yellow brigade ⁦@CCCZimbabwe⁩. We are not MDC Alliance. We will never sell out to #ZANU or its nihilists puppets . #ANewGreatZimbabwe

Meanwhile, Alex Tawanda Magaisa, a former Chief in the office of a former Prime Minister, the late Morgan Tsvangirai, said the court outcome could be a strategy by the ruling ZANU PF to cause problems in the newly formed Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa.

The UK-based law lecturer said the development “doesn’t do CCC any favours at all.” Magaisa said:

… the 6 MPs will remain in parliament as the PDP element of the old MDC Alliance. Yet, CCC has just launched as a new entity.

He added that it will be awkward for CCC to have members that are also still identified as MDC Alliance or PDP (formed by Tendai Biti.)

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