Zanu-PF conference to address bread, butter issues


THE Zanu-PF 18th Annual People’s conference to be held at Goromonzi High School, Mashonaland East next week is expected to address bread and butter issues in line with Vision 2030.

The party’s national chairperson Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri said the main thrust of discussions at the conference will centre on the state of the economy, with mining being a pivotal industry in this regard and food security as it relates to the modernisation and mechanisation of agriculture.

The conference will be held from the 10th-15th of December under the theme “Modernise, Mechanise and Grow the Economy towards Vision 2030”.

More than 7 000 delegates are expected to grace the annual indaba with 2 000 foreign delegates confirming their participation.

Speaking soon after assessing progress at the conference venue, Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said preparations for the annual conference are almost complete.

“We are very happy that all the tents are ready and accommodation for all delegates is available. The conference is an opportunity to discuss the programmes which Government has been undertaking as a follow up to our manifesto.

“The conference is also a platform where the President outlines our success stories. He will tell our story as Zanu-PF and the progress we have made since we were voted into power last year.”

She added: “The President will talk on engagement and re-engagement programmes that he has undertaken since he was voted into power. He will also send out a message to unite the people of Zimbabwe.”

In addition, Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said it is important for people to realise that elections come and go.

“We are no longer in the elections mood so the President will highlight the need to move together as one people so that together we pull all our energies towards developing this country.

“United we stand and divided we fall. So we hope that during the three days we are going to be here, we will be sending out strong messages that Zanu-PF remains very strong and stays resolute around the President’s agenda of moving forward,” she added.

She expressed satisfaction with the progress at the conference venue.

“We are very happy with the progress that has been achieved so far. From the look of things every sector now is ready to host this very important conference.

“From the reports that we have received, the organising committees gave us a very satisfactory report which outlined the progress that has been achieved in terms of upgrading the road system leading to Goromonzi High School. The main auditorium, clinics, feeding bays for provinces, car parks have already been completed. Fuel for buses which will ferry delegates to the venue has already been secured. It’s all systems go.

“We also have been briefed on water availability at this very important venue and the number of boreholes that have been drilled over and above what is being offered by the school which means the school will always have enough water, which has been our tradition as Zanu-PF.

“Wherever we go, we make sure that as much as possible the local institutions also benefit from our investments,” she said.

Mashonaland East provincial chairman Cde Biggie Matiza expressed satisfaction with the conference venue saying it is now ready.

“We are now prepared as you can see the majority of the items, the infrastructure is now 100 percent complete. What is remaining are just touch ups and we hope that by Friday everything will be in order. As far as mobilisation is concerned you heard for yourselves, Mashonaland East is now ready. We now have 60 beasts, chickens and vegetables. We are expecting more people to honour their pledges.

“We are making follow-ups, by weekend we should have collected all the pledges. We are ready to host the conference. We now have about $300 000,” he said.

Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri was accompanied by Zanu-PF Politburo members, Secretary for Women’s League Cde Mabel Chinomona, Secretary for Information and Publicity Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo, Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs Cde Patrick Chinamasa, Secretary for Transport and Welfare Cde Edna Madzongwe, Committee member in charge of Research Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, Secretary for External Affairs Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Secretary for Legal Affairs Cde Paul Mangwana, and Zanu-PF staff.


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