Zimbabwe Having An Agricultural Revolution – ED

Zimbabwe Having An Agricultural Revolution – ED
Zimbabwe Having An Agricultural Revolution – ED

Africa-PressZimbabwe. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has estimated that Zimbabwe will record a bumper harvest this year adding that the Southern African country was having an agricultural revolution.

The government introduced the Pfumvudza or Intwasa farming concept which is being credited for the expected good harvest. Posting on Twitter this Thursday, Mnangagwa said:

In Zimbabwe between 2020 and 2021, crop yield is expected to increase by: 199% for maize harvest 128% for harvest of traditional grains 94% for cotton harvest Zimbabweans, we are having an agricultural revolution! Once more shall we become the breadbasket of Africa

Zimbabwe has for the past few years been facing severe starvation due to El Nino-induced drought and a series of poor agricultural policies and has as a result been relying on food aid from other stakeholders.

In fact, the Southern African country has since the chaotic fast track land reform programme at the turn of the millennium failed to produce enough for local consumption let alone exportation.

Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket for the SADC region and observers believe the country can retain its status if the government and other stakeholders take a deliberate concerted effort to revive the sector.

Some of the main issues that have so far affected the sector include poor rainfalls and inadequacy of resources to use on farms.

Observers urge the government to use smart ways of water harvesting to use for irrigation and to extend credit facilities to farmers to improve production.

More: Pindula News


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