Zimbabwe: Opposition Parties In POLAD Call Upon EU To Remove Sanctions

Zimbabwe: Opposition Parties In POLAD Call Upon EU To Remove Sanctions
Zimbabwe: Opposition Parties In POLAD Call Upon EU To Remove Sanctions

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Opposition parties in the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD), have called upon the European Union (EU) to remove sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe two decades ago.

They say the Southern African country has made tremendous progress in implementing economic and political reforms, as was being demanded by the EU.

In a statement, POLAD, a dialogue platform created by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in May 2029 following calls for the need for dialogue with the opposition to find solutions for the country’s problems, said the EU) should pursue multilateralism and desist from prescriptive diplomacy which borders on interference.

This comes after the EU which this week removed the last remaining Zimbabwean citizens from its sanctions.

POLAD’s International Relations and Re-engagement Committee (IRRC) said while it is encouraged by the latest decision taken by the EU, which removed Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander Philip Valerio Sibanda and former First Lady Grace Mugabe from the sanctions list, there is need for the 27-member bloc to go a step further and remove any form of an embargo on Zimbabwe.

POLAD IRRC encourages the EU to desist from what seemingly is clear interference in Zimbabwe’s democratic and governance space by prescribing to the Government how to administer not only its laws but, the governance architecture.

Zimbabwe continues to make positive strides to engage with the West and the West has reciprocated the gesture by welcoming Zimbabwe back as part of the international community.

This is evidenced by the recent international invitations extended to Zimbabwe namely, Cop-26 in Scotland and the EU-Africa Summit held in Brussels.

POLAD IRRC remains concerned by the unwillingness of the EU to review the illegal restrictive measures on the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Industries (ZDI). Polad IRRC reiterates that, these illegal restrictive measures are not targeted, but have for the last 20 years, demonstrated that they have far-reaching negative impact on ordinary Zimbabweans.

POLAD also said it acknowledges that the implementation of democratic reforms is a work in progress adding that any assistance that the EU may extend to assist Zimbabwe in its quest to realise its international human rights obligations is welcome.

The West imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe at the turn of the millennium in response to the land reform programme that was marred by reports of human rights abuses.

More: The Herald

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