Angolan diplomat delivers letters of credentials in Turkmenistan

Angolan diplomat delivers letters of credentials in Turkmenistan
Angolan diplomat delivers letters of credentials in Turkmenistan

Africa-Press – Angola. Diplomat Augusto da Silva Cunha was accredited this Thursday, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, as ambassador of Angola not resident in this Central Asian country

The ambassador, residing in Moscow, Russia, handed over the letters of credentials that accredit him as the Angolan representative to the president of the Parliament of Turkmenistan, Dunyagozel Gulmanowa.

In Ashgabat it is the practice for non-resident ambassadors to hand over letters of credentials to the Speaker of Parliament.

Ambassador Augusto da Silva Cunha met, on the same day, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, separately, with the vice-minister and the head of the Africa and Middle East Directorate, and the state and prospects of relations between the two countries livened up the meetings.

Also a non-resident ambassador to Mongolia, Augusto da Silva Cunha also visited the Carpet and Natural History museums in Ashgabat and laid a wreath at the Independence monument of Turkmenistan.

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