Contribution of the agriculture sector to GDP expected to rise to 12.1%

Contribution of the agriculture sector to GDP expected to rise to 12.1%
Contribution of the agriculture sector to GDP expected to rise to 12.1%

Africa-Press – Angola. The National Director of Forests, Domingos Veloso, said this Wednesday that the contribution of agriculture, livestock and forests to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should increase from the current 5.6% to 12.1% in 2027.

The official, who was speaking at the VI Conference on Agriculture, said that the National Development Plan 2023-2027 considered that the ongoing actions are positive and aligned with the recommended objectives.

In addition to actions to promote production, he pointed out that new challenges are foreseen for 2024, such as increased technical assistance to family farms, availability of production factors, access to agricultural mechanization and creation of conditions for the construction and rehabilitation of support infrastructures. to agricultural production.

“The reinforcement of agronomic and veterinary research and support for the national production of certified seed, as well as the implementation of the Rice Production Promotion Plan and the Animal Repopulation Plan, are part of the new plans being implemented”, he asserted.

In turn, the director of the National Cereals Institute, Maria Garção, recalled that the Planagrão project, to be developed over 2 years, has the target of producing six million tons of cereals, with emphasis on rice and wheat, in 2 million hectares, in the eastern areas of the country.

The VI Conference on Agriculture, organized by Revista Economia e Mercado, featured experts and businesspeople from the agricultural sector who analyzed the “Goals and challenges of cereal production in Angola”.

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