Governor confirms works on the future Luvo Customs Post

Governor confirms works on the future Luvo Customs Post
Governor confirms works on the future Luvo Customs Post

Africa-Press – Angola. The governor of Zaire, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho, confirmed, this Tuesday, the works of the future Customs Post, under construction in the border commune of Luvo, which is 60 kilometers north of the city of Mbanza Kongo.

There, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho received explanations from the company Tecnovia about the progress of the work, which is already in its second month since it was awarded.

Currently, the contract for this future customs post consists of earthmoving the space where the project will be built, as well as opening access.

The governor was satisfied with the progress of the work, stressing that the future Luvo customs post will improve the control and inspection of goods entering and leaving this border post with the DRC.

He said that this is a project of great impact to raise more revenue for the State coffers on the one hand, and on the other, it will provide more jobs for youth.

Budgeted at 47 billion kwanzas, the project is being implemented in an area of ​​around 21 hectares and will include several buildings.

Two hundred young people found their first job in this project, which is scheduled to be completed in 2026.

On the occasion, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho expressed solidarity with the border authorities of Central Congo for the massive fire that broke out on Monday night in warehouses at the Lufu border post (DRC), destroying incalculable quantities of goods.

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