PGF reiterates redoubled combat at borders

PGF reiterates redoubled combat at borders
PGF reiterates redoubled combat at borders

Africa-Press – Angola. The commander of the Border Guard Police (PGR) in the province of Lunda-Norte, Francisco Deia, reiterated this Tuesday, the reinforcement of the fight against illegal immigration, in light of the cholera outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as fuel smuggling and diamond trafficking.

Speaking to the press, regarding the state of readiness of the forces along the border with the DRC, Francisco Deia assured that the corporation has technical and transport means that allow for effective supervision.

He appealed for the collaboration of the population, especially traditional authorities, denouncing the “fraud” paths used by immigrants and those who assist immigration, with a view to being held civilly and criminally responsible.

On the other hand, he reported that in 2023, 5,537 border violation crimes were recorded, which resulted in the detention of 25,900 foreigners from the DRC, accompanied by 4,440 children, who after administrative procedures were repatriated to their country of origin.

He added that in the same period, around 719 Angolan citizens were prevented from entering the DRC illegally.

He made it known that 480 thousand liters of fuel were also seized for smuggling, destined for the DRC.

He highlighted that the infractions were recorded at the Chitato, Cambulo and Lóvua border posts.

The border between Lunda-Norte (Angola) and the DRC is 770 kilometers, 120 of which are riverine and 650 are land.

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