Government wants to transform the country into a global and international maritime transport logistics platform by 2030

Government wants to transform the country into a global and international maritime transport logistics platform by 2030
Government wants to transform the country into a global and international maritime transport logistics platform by 2030

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Secretary of State and Finance, Alcindo Mota, revealed in May, during the opening of Enapor’s port journey, that the Government’s desire is to transform the country into a global and international logistics platform by 2030.

According to the government official, with the completion of the cruise terminal works, it is expected that by 2030 the country will receive around 200 thousand cruise tourists and the annual movement of around ten thousand ships.

He highlighted that studies indicate that the country will be a shipping zone, which will enable the supply of fuel to Porto Grande de São Vicente.

Therefore, he considered that the ports of Cape Verde, as well as Enapor, are going through a “decisive” moment in the development trajectory for the role they play in the efficiency and effectiveness in supporting the country’s economy.

“It is expected that the coming years will witness substantial advances on several fronts, including the operability of ports, which foresees significant improvements in the quality of services and productivity”, he said.

In the same sense, he guaranteed that investments are underway in all business segments, which will boost commercial development, which, in turn, will “impact on the movement of cargo and cruise ships”.

To this end, he informed that the Government is creating conditions for the entry of new international partners with specialization in the global commercial circuit, in order to increase efficiency in port operations and thereby making the country “more attractive and competitive” in transshipment activities.

This, he explained, is a possibility to reduce tariff costs and consequently the cost for importers and exporters in inter-island transport.

“It is in this context that the Government will sub-concession port services to increase efficiency and make the country the center for providing services in the Atlantic, through the transshipment of goods and the provision of shipbuilding and repair services”, explained Alcindo Motorcycle.

With the implementation of this objective, the Secretary of State expects that the country will become “more attractive and more competitive” for transshipment activities and contribute to strengthening connectivity with the outside world.

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