PM considers political reforms necessary to strengthen democracy

PM considers political reforms necessary to strengthen democracy
PM considers political reforms necessary to strengthen democracy

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, today highlighted the importance of continuing to qualify the democratic system and the pressing need for political reforms to strengthen the country’s democratic institutions.

The statement was made during the parliamentary debate on Good Governance.

“The 1992 Constitution is the founding element of the democracy we have today,” stated the Prime Minister, highlighting the pillars established by it, which include civil and political freedoms, freedom of the press, economic freedom and democratic rule of law.

Correia e Silva highlighted Cape Verde’s position in several international indices that evaluate freedom, democracy and transparency.

According to him, the country stands out as the freest in Africa, ranking 32nd out of 165 countries in the Civil and Political Liberties index, the third African country in the Democracy index, ranking 35th out of 167 countries, and 33rd position in Press Freedom, among 180 countries evaluated.

Furthermore, Cape Verde is recognized as the second best country in Africa in terms of Economic Freedom and the second best-ranked African country in the transparency and corruption index, ranking 30th among 180 countries.

“We have to continue to improve our democracy”, stated the Prime Minister, highlighting the need for political reforms to further strengthen the country’s democratic institutions.

Correia e Silva also emphasized the importance of the independence of the judicial system, mentioning ongoing measures to reduce delays in justice and strengthen transparency.

The government official also emphasized the recent signing of the 2024-2026 Strategic Concertation Agreement with trade union centrals and chambers of commerce and tourism, as an important milestone in promoting stability and social inclusion, fundamental to good governance.

Still in his statement, the chief executive reiterated the Government’s commitment to promoting social peace, stability and dialogue as important foundations for the country’s good governance.

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