Court grants Globe 60 more days to illegally use bandwidth

Court grants Globe 60 more days to illegally use bandwidth
Court grants Globe 60 more days to illegally use bandwidth

Africa-Press – Malawi. The High court in Blantyre has allowed Globe Internet Limited to continue using frequencies in the 700MHz band for 60 days. The court made the ruling yesterday following an application by the internet company.

In July, Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) ordered the company to pa US$73,260 (about K74 million) fine for illegally using the spectrum in the 700MHz band.

MACRA also demanded an account of revenues made during the period Globe used the spectrum illegally. The regulatory authority further issued a cease and desist order against Globe on the usage of the frequencies in the 700MHz band.

However, Globe went to court last week where it was granted an injunction on August 11 against payment of the fine and accounting of revenues. As the court at the time refused to restrain MACRA from implementing the cease and desist order, MACRA announced plans to implement the order. Yesterday, however, the High Court varied the injunction allowing Globe Internet to continue to illegally use the frequencies in the 700MHz band.

“The claimant (Globe) shall be given a period of 60 days from the date of this order to negotiate with alternative internet service providers and migrate its customers on condition that the defendant shall be at liberty to challenge the time order on notice to the applicant,” reads the court order.

Lawyer for the internet service provider, Davis Njobvu, has told the local media that the ruling is a relief to his client as the company will have ample time to make alternative arrangement to serve its customers.

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