Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi on mission to plant 100, 000 trees

Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi on mission to plant 100, 000 trees
Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi on mission to plant 100, 000 trees

Africa-Press – Malawi. Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi President, Giorgia Prizzon said her club is on a mission to plant 100, 000 trees in schools and communities among other places in the country this year.

She made the remarks on Saturday when her club in partnership with Youth Progressive Environmental Solutions (YPES) and Ladder to Learning planted 500 trees at Kambewe Primary School in Lilongwe.

Prizzon said that with their mission they want to help in addressing the problem of deforestation in the country.

The idea behind tree planting is manly to address the issue of deforestation in Malawi; we are trying to plant them all in partnership with local organisations that have capacity to take care of the trees.

“The big problem with tree planting is that a lot of trees get planted but the survival rate is very low, so the idea is to partner with people that can look after the trees to ensure that the rate of reforestation is high” Prizzon said.

She added that, as a club they have been implementing tree planting project for three years now whereby in the first year they planted 11, 000 trees, second year 20, 000 trees and this year they are eyeing to plant 100, 000 trees.

She also said this year they are also looking forward to work with communities in developing nurseries of tree seedlings in order to ensure that there are enough trees to sustain the tree planting exercises.

In his remarks, Kambewe Primary School Head-teacher, Sanudi Mzini commended Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi for planting the trees at his school.

“We are very grateful to Rotary Club of Lilongwe Lingadzi for their initiative, infact the trees are very important and i hope the trees that have been planted at our school will benefit both the school and the community in future,” he said.

He also said that as school they will take care of the newly planted trees by among other things watering them during dry season so that they should grow and serve its intended purpose in future.

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