Human Rights Lawyer Douglas Coltart Arrested

Human Rights Lawyer Douglas Coltart Arrested
Human Rights Lawyer Douglas Coltart Arrested

Africa-Press – Zimbabwe. Human Rights lawyer, Douglas Coltart, was arrested by police in Harare on Friday.

According to one of his lawyers Chris Mhike, Coltart is facing fraud charges police have yet to clarify.

He was arrested at the Harare Magistrates’ Court on Friday afternoon as he walked out of the court building.

Coltart had gone to represent his client, Hopewell Chin’ono, a freelance journalist who is facing charges of defeating the course of justice. Mhike confirmed Coltart’s arrest. He said:

Yes, he has been arrested and is being charged with fraud.

It is not yet clear where and how the charges against him (Coltart) arose and we are expecting to have finer details tomorrow.

Coltart spent the rest of Friday afternoon at Harare Central Police station but was later released into the custody of his lawyers awaiting a court appearance this Saturday.

Coltart is being represented by Mhike, Beatrice Mtetwa, and David Drury.

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